About the company Maschnisky & Krause

Maschinsky & Krause was founded on 1 July 1990 as a craftsman's business in Görlitz and today employs 30 people throughout Europe. The company has been a certified training organisation since 2004. Our company is based in three buildings in the historic centre of Görlitz.

All services in the field of traffic and low-current technology are completely realised by us.

Health is our greatest asset, an intact environment an essential part of quality of life. Delivery reliability, the best service and the highest quality of our products and services are our development potential. This is why the fulfilment of customer requirements, the protection of our employees and the protection of the environment are the essential prerequisites for the performance and economic success of our company; this also secures our jobs.

In order to achieve these fundamental goals, we strive to continuously improve our products and services, protect the environment and safeguard the health of our employees.

Our integrated management system helps us to achieve this. The management provides the resources required to achieve the objectives and to further develop the IMS.

All managers and employees are obliged to comply with the statutory regulations on quality assurance, product safety, environmental protection and occupational health and safety as well as the operational specifications for planning and production at all times.

You can download our company policy as a PDF document here.

Occupational safety

We have been working without a reportable work accident since 04/2024

  • Well positioned:

    • From the low-current sector to railway safety technology and telecommunications technology, we offer a range of services from planning to installation and commissioning.

  • Our employees:

    • We employ skilled workers in the field of signalling and telecommunications technology as well as electrical and building services engineering, master electricians and engineers in the field of transport and electrical engineering. Our team also includes career changers and trainees.

  • Experience:

    • Thanks to more than 30 years of experience, we convince our customers and are a valuable and reliable partner with quality and service.

  • Quality:

    • Quality and occupational health and safety are an important part of our daily work. Our company is certified according to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 45001.